Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is another photo from my series that I took last week. Last night it started snowing and we woke up to several inches of the wet heavey white stuff. It is still coming down, now more like sleet. We have been very fortunate this year. Our fall has been very warm. But like most, I am not looking forward to the cold weather and slippery road conditions that follow.
Oh well, I do love to have all the seasons. There is beauty in each one. For me it is much harder doing my chores with our large critters in the winter. Hauling water every other day,feeding them twice a day, and mucking the barns as needed.
When the weather is not as nice, our mini donkeys would prefer to hang out in the barn. Our llamas tend to stay outside until the weather becomes bitterly cold. They always have access to their barn, but prefer to sleep outside under the stars. Our pony seems to enjoy being outside more then our mini donkeys do, but does enjoy their barn at night. Have a Sunshine Day!!

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