Monday, January 12, 2009


This is our little pony Lacie. We have owned her since she was five months old. Jetta our "Tennessee Walker" mare died in May, 2008. I had owned her for thirteen years. This was hard on everyone, including Lacie, as these two were inseparable great buddies. Jetta's death was unexpected, horrible and painful to go through. Jetta and Lacie were together for a number of years. Jetta was a beautiful horse and is truly missed. We moved our mini donkeys in with Lacie so she wouldn't be alone. Lacie began herding the donkeys and would round them up at night and bring them up to the barn for bed. She can be very bossy with the donkeys at times, especially at feeding time, she is a little horse with a big horse attitude!! She is about 40-42 inches at the shoulder. Mini donkeys cannot be taller then 36 inches at the shoulder. I had to put up some of our temp. fencing on the weekend. As Lacie has been know to be like a mountain goat and climb onto the high drifts. And the height of some of the drifts in the pasture go over top of the perm. fence. Have a Sunshine Day!!

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